“We need maximum ambition – from all countries on all fronts – to make Glasgow a success.” – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.Dear friends,Thank you for Keeping the Promise of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
With the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) that started on Sunday, 31 October, the time to call for strong and ambitious climate action and to keep hope alive is more important than ever. Here are a few ways you can show your support and hold your leaders accountable:
Read UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ powerful opening remarks to the World Leaders Summit – COP 26 (available in English and French).
Get inspired to act at your level for global impact by watching this new TED talk “A new perspective on the journey to net-zero” by UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed.
Act now for a livable and sustainable climate. Download the mobile app to learn how you can make a difference, log your actions and contribute to the growing global count of over 4 million actions. One of the most important actions as we follow COP26 is to engage and Speak Up! Use your voice to influence change: Appeal to world leaders, urge your local government and community including business leaders to take urgent #ClimateAction.
Follow the COP26 Dialogues at the SDG Studio on UN Web TV, followed by four more sessions through the end of COP. UN experts will discuss climate solutions that help deliver the SDGs – live from UN Headquarters. For daily updates from COP26, check out our dedicated page on the UN climate action portal: www.un.org/en/climatechange/cop26#COP26Glasgow#ClimateActionChallenge #Partnership#SDGforAll#TogetherWeCan#UNPKFC#UnitedNationsPeaceKeepersFederalCouncil
Event schedule
4 November, 11:10 to 12:00 GMT
Ready, set, go: The global race to net zero cement and concrete has started!
Concrete is the world’s most used building material and provides the foundation for renewable energy transition, resilient infrastructure and new homes around the world.Today around 7% of global GHG emissions come from cement, the key ingredient of concrete. There is no easy fix to decarbonise cement and concrete but the industry is leading by example and has just launched an ambitious roadmap to reach net zero. Progress is under way thanks to the deployment of innovative solutions and partnerships.
This session will provide the opportunity to:
- Hear more about concrete examples of partnerships and solutions being implemented around the globe by first-movers
- What it takes to accelerate the race to net-zero and ensure mainstreaming sustainable solutions across the whole industry.
Location: The Denmark Pavilion, Hall 4, UNFCCC Blue Zone Scottish event Campus
Organisers: The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, State of Green / P4G and FLSmidth
Link for webstreaming: https://stateofgreen.com/en/events/cop26-thursday-november-4th/
Confirmed speakers:
- Jeppe Kofod, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark
- Thomas Guillot, Chief Executive, GCCA – the Global Cement and Concrete Association
- Carsten Riisberg Lund, Cement Industry President, FLSmidth
- Mahendra Singhi, MD and CEO for Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Ltd
8 November, 10:30 to 12:00 GMT
Addressing embodied carbon of materials: Supporting demand for lower carbon cement, metals and minerals
Today 15% of GHG emissions come from two commodities: cement and steel. Embodied carbon of materials are rarely addressed in climate mitigation policies around the globe. But they play a critical role for the energy transition and are used in literally all types of infrastructures. To reach net-zero, the embodied carbon of materials need to be drastically reduced. Good news is that zero emission materials are starting to be produced but demand is nearly inexistent. How to support demand for these lower carbon options and mainstream their use? This panel will explore what can be done with different types of policy-driven or market-driven tools to accelerate deployment, incl. green public procurement.
Location: The Denmark Pavilion, Hall 4, UNFCCC Blue Zone Scottish event Campus
Link for webstreaming: https://stateofgreen.com/en/events/cop26-monday-november-8th/
Confirmed speakers:
- Wouter De Groot, Head of Sustainability, FLSmidth
- Martin Pei, EVP and CTO, SSAB
- Dr. Wolfgang Dienemann, Global head of R&D, Heidleberg Cement
- Rohistesh Dhawan, President and CEO, International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)
- Tareq Emtairah, Director of the Energy Department, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
- Robert Watt, Communications Director and Head of Strategic Policy Engagement, Stockholm Environment Institute