50 celebrities from multiple countries including Thailand,Dubai were awarded with international awards.”My Identity” program organized under the aegis of Meri Pehchan Trust……The biography printed in the booklet of people from 11 countries including India was released at the Meri Identity International Award ceremony.
Jaipur. An international award ceremony was held on Saturday at Hotel Clark Amer in the capital where dignitaries from about 6 countries including India attended.Along with this, the program started with Ganesh Vandana by lighting the lamp performing Indian rituals, while on the other hand Meri Identity International Magazine was released by the Chief Guest President of UNPKFC Datuk Dr. Aphinita Chaichana, The attendees of the event were renowned personalities from different countries who had impacted and created a mark in their own field.UNPKFC team conveys their best wishes to the whole team of Meri Identity Magazine and it’s organisers.#UNPKFC#meriindentityinternationalmagazine#unitednationspeacekeepersfederalcouncil