Announcement On behalf of the president of UNPKFC,
I would like to relay the following information. Due to the rising cases of Covid-19 and the unstable situation according to new pandemic cases that can have a big impact on the location of the event, travel plans of our honorable guests and the government’s measures to manage the pandemic situation in Thailand, the executive board of UNPKFC have an agreement that since this is the official introductory event of the organization to public; therefore, all the circumstances should be in account to minimize all possible errors as best as we could,
The UNPKFC Global Peace Summit, that was originally planned to be organized between May 14th-15th, 2022, should be delayed to September 20th-21st, 2022. Because September 21st of every year is the UN World Peace Day; therefore, it is an ideal day to organize the Global Peace Summit and the situation regarding the pandemic should be better or more stable at that time.
Please be informed accordingly and stay tuned for further information.
Best regards,
Parinda Perry
Assistant to the UNPKFC president