UNPKFC Meeting with Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok,Thailand

On December 22, 2022, Dr. Aphinita Chaichana Global President of United Peace Keepers Federal Council (UNPKFC) with H.E.Dr.Herlina JR Saragih, M.Si Deputy Dean of National Security Faculty RIDU University of Defense,received a very warm welcome by H.E. Sukmo Yuwono Indonesian Minister/Deputy Chief of Mission Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN-ESCAP and H.E. Achmad Wicaksono Ir.(UB)M.Eng(AIT),Ph.D(U Tokyo)Education and Culture Atrache,Indonesian Embassy in Bangkok,Thailand

The purpose of the visit was to discuss options for possible future collaborations in exchange of information, knowledge which will eventually be beneficial for PeaceBuilding Corporation and Peace Activity Between Thailand and Indoneasia

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