UNPKFC provided and donated wheelchairs as part of the organization’s humanitarian service to needy people. On behalf of UNPKFC ,…
UNPKFC provided and donated wheelchairs as part of the organization’s humanitarian service to needy people. On behalf of UNPKFC ,…
UNPKFC arranged a special event to celebrate the International Woman’s Day 2023 On March 8th, 2023, United Peace Keepers Federal…
UNPKFC provided and donated wheelchairs as part of the organization’s humanitarian service to needy people. On behalf of UNPKFC ,…
UNPKFC, led by Dr. Aphinita Chaichana, the Global President of UNPKFC and the executive board advisor of UNPKFC and UNPKFC…
During this Plenary meeting, Dr. Aphinita Chaichana, the Global President of UNPKFC and the executive board advisor of UNPKFC and…
On behalf of UNPKFC, the organization’s team visited people in different places and donated wheelchairs to those who had been…
On behalf of UNPKFC, the organization’s team delightfully offered date fruits and drinking water to the Indonesian Embassy due to…
World Health Day is the anniversary of World Health Organisation (WHO) which is observed and celebrated every year on the…
UNPKFC donated drin…
Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between UNPKFC (United Peace Keepers Federal Council) With ECLBS (European Council Of Leading Bussinest School) an…