Announcement of the signing of the MoU between UNPKFC and GRO Foundation

Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between UNPKFC (United Peace Keepers Federal Council) and GRO Foundation

MOU signed by Dr. Aphinita Chaichana, the global president of UNPKFC, and a special consultative status with the UN ECOSOC.(United Nations Economic and Social Council) Rep. 45518 between​ Mr.Pual Flynn President of GRO Foundation​ from​ Uganda-Irish

For UNPKFC SDGs Action Campaign, Climate Change, Cultural Exchange, and Bilateral Recognition

Both organizations hereby confirm they will accept members that have successfully completed reviews at the other organization, as both parties recognize the current service of each other.

Towards​ Connection​ the​ dots for​ a​ green​ and​ Sustainable​ Future, All​ about​ the​ global​ goals​




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