

United Nations Day 2021

The United Nations Peace Keepers Federal Council (UNPKFC ) Celebrating United Nations Day is really a great initiative to promote world peace and make the world a safer place. The day has a huge contribution to the development of the…

UNPKFC International Day of Peace

UNPKFC joined our heart and our hands together with Rattanakosin Sompoach Bangkhen School in promoting the International UN Peace Day 2020. In this occasion, the students made 2,500 paper doves to represent the PEACE , meditation activity, 1 minute salute…


UNITED NATIONS PEACE KEEPERS FEDERAL COUNCIL WORLD YOUTH SKILLS DAY 2021Bangkok, Thailand 15 July 2021: The United Nations Peace-Keepers Federal Council (UNPKFC) is an NGO with its Headquarter in Thailand, with global alliances and partnership with the UNDESA on United…

UNPKFC MUN (Model United Nations)

The United Nations Peace Keeping Forces Council (UNPKFC) based in Thailand organized the virtual Model United Nations (UNPKFC MUN2021) on 27th April with theme the Theme “Spirit of Sustainable Development Goals”. This Mega Virtual Conference was well received with a…