In a historic gathering during the final week of November, the Global Leadership Summit 2023 unfolded in the vibrant city of Bangkok, Thailand. This groundbreaking initiative, orchestrated by the United Peace Keepers Federal Council (UNPKFC), in conjunction with esteemed regional and international partners, served as a pivotal platform for global leaders to converge, exchange insights, and foster collaboration with the shared objective of attaining global peace through justice, understanding, and dialogue.

The President of the National Assembly welcomed the President of Adventure of Humanity along with the​ Global​ President of the United Peacekeepers Federal Council (UNPKFC) and it’s delegation on a courtesy visit to present the GLS 2023 Leadership Award

The United Peacekeepers Federal Council (UNPKFC) in collaboration with the Himalayan Space Centre (HSC) has launched ‘Space Access for everyone’ in Thailand.