The International Human Rights Defender’s Award for the year 2021 was successfully concluded tuesday 7 December 2021 at India International Center here in New Delhi.

The International Human Rights Defender’s Award for the year 2021 was successfully concluded tuesday 7 December 2021 at India International Center here in New Delhi.President​ of UNPKFC​ Datuk​ Dr​ Aphinita​Chaichana as Special Guest of Honour​, along with her team from…

50 celebrities from multiple countries including Thailand,Dubai were awarded with international awards.”My Identity” program organized under the aegis of Meri Pehchan Trust……The biography printed in the booklet of people from 11 countries including India was released at the Meri Identity International Award ceremony.

50 celebrities from multiple countries including Thailand,Dubai were awarded with international awards.”My Identity” program organized under the aegis of Meri Pehchan Trust……The biography printed in the booklet of people from 11 countries including India was released at the Meri Identity…

(UNPKFC)​Attend​ed​ Zoom​ Meeting​ Food Systems Summit Dialogues offer a powerful opportunity for people everywhere to have a seat at the table at this milestone UN Summit.

Food Systems Summit Dialogues , United​ Nations​ Peace​ Keepers​ Federal​ Council​(UNPKFC)​Attend​ed​ Zoom​ Meeting​ Food Systems Summit Dialogues offer a powerful opportunity for people everywhere to have a seat at the table at this milestone UN Summit. Dialogues bring together a…

Such an honour For United​ Nations​ Peace​ Keepers​ Federal​ Council​(UNPKFC)​ to receive an Award​ as​ best​ organization​ by the hands of Vice President of Nepal

Such an honour For United​ Nations​ Peace​ Keepers​ Federal​ Council​(UNPKFC)​ to receive an Award​ as​ best​ organization​ by the hands of Vice President of Nepal Datuk Dr.Aphinita Chaichana President of United Nations Peace Keepers Federal Council (UNPKFC) , was awarded…